If your baby boy has recently been circumcised, you might be wondering how to care for him as he heals. The good news is that recovery is usually quick, and with some gentle care, your little one will be comfortable and back to his happy self in no time! Here’s everything you need to know about caring for a circumcised baby.

What to Expect After Circumcision
After the procedure, it’s normal to see some redness, swelling, or a bit of yellowish discharge around the circumcision site. Don’t worry—these are all signs of healing and should improve in about 7–10 days. Your baby might seem a little fussy at first, but the discomfort typically lessens within a day or two.
Keep the Area Clean
Keeping the circumcision site clean is the most important part of aftercare. Change your baby’s diaper frequently to avoid irritation from urine or stool. Gently clean the area with warm water during diaper changes—no need for soap unless directed by your doctor. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the area. Use a soft cloth or rinse gently to clean.
Use Moisturizing Barrier Creams/Ointments
Apply a small amount of ointment/creams to the tip of your baby’s penis during each diaper change. This helps reduce friction and prevents the diaper from sticking to the healing area, making your baby more comfortable.
Choose Diapers Wisely
Opt for loose-fitting diapers during the healing process to minimize rubbing and pressure on the circumcision site. If you use cloth diapers, consider adding a disposable liner to keep the area as dry and clean as possible.
Watch for Signs of Healing
A small yellowish or white film forming over the site is a normal part of healing. It’s not an infection! However, keep an eye out for these signs that you should call your pediatrician: persistent bleeding, increasing redness or swelling, pus or foul-smelling discharge, or fever or extreme fussiness. Your doctor will provide guidance if anything seems off.
Soothe Discomfort
Most babies handle circumcision recovery well, but if your little one seems uncomfortable, try these soothing tips: offer extra cuddles and skin-to-skin contact to comfort him.
Skip the Bath for a Few Days
Hold off on full baths until your doctor gives the okay, usually about 5–7 days after the procedure. In the meantime, sponge baths are perfect for keeping your baby clean without soaking the healing area.
Be Patient with the Healing Process
Healing is usually complete within 7–10 days, but every baby is different. If the circumcision site still looks a little raw or swollen after this time, check in with your pediatrician for reassurance.
Celebrate the Little Wins
Your baby might seem a bit fussy at first, but you’ll soon see him back to his usual self. Every diaper change is a step closer to full healing, so celebrate those small victories (and your awesome caregiving skills!).
The Bottom Line
Caring for your baby boy after circumcision is all about keeping the area clean, reducing discomfort, and allowing time for healing. Trust your instincts, follow your doctor’s advice, and don’t hesitate to ask questions if you’re unsure about anything. Before you know it, your little one will be healed and thriving. Your baby is lucky to have you looking out for him!