Hello, wonderful parents and caregivers! Today, let’s talk about a crucial milestone in your baby’s journey: tummy time. If you’re a new parent, you might have heard about tummy time, but you may still have questions about what it is, why it’s important, and how to make it enjoyable for your little one. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered!

What is Tummy Time?
Tummy time is exactly what it sounds like: the time your baby spends on their tummy while they’re awake and supervised. It’s an essential activity that helps your baby develop the muscles needed for head control, rolling over, crawling, and eventually, sitting up.
Why is Tummy Time Important?
Tummy time offers a host of benefits for your baby’s development:
- Strengthens Muscles: When your baby is on their tummy, they engage muscles in their neck, back, and shoulders, which are crucial for motor development.
- Prevents Flat Head Syndrome: Spending time on their tummy helps reduce the risk of flat spots developing on the back of your baby’s head.
- Encourages Motor Skills: Tummy time encourages your baby to push up with their arms, lift their head, and eventually, learn to roll over and crawl.
- Visual Stimulation: Being on their tummy allows your baby to see the world from a different perspective, stimulating their vision and cognitive development.
When to Start Tummy Time?
You can start tummy time as soon as you bring your newborn home from the hospital. Begin with short sessions, a few times a day, gradually increasing the duration as your baby grows stronger and more comfortable.

How to Do Tummy Time:
- Choose the Right Time: Pick a time when your baby is awake and alert but not too hungry or tired. Aim for tummy time after a diaper change or when your baby is in a good mood.
- Provide Support: Lay your baby on a firm, flat surface, such as a play mat or blanket. Place a rolled-up towel under your baby’s chest to provide support if needed.
- Engage Your Baby: Get down on their level and talk, sing, or make funny faces to encourage them to lift their head and look around. You can also place colorful toys or a mirror within reach to capture their interest.
- Stay Close: Always supervise your baby during tummy time and be ready to provide support if they become tired or frustrated. If your baby protests, try shortening the session and gradually increasing it over time.
Tips for Success:
- Be patient and consistent: Like any new skill, tummy time takes practice. Start with short sessions and gradually increase the duration as your baby grows stronger.
- Make it fun: Keep tummy time enjoyable by incorporating toys, music, or singing into the routine. Follow your baby’s cues and stop if they become upset or tired.
- Mix it up: Tummy time doesn’t have to be limited to the floor. You can also try chest-to-chest tummy time on your chest or lap for a change of scenery.
Tummy time is a wonderful opportunity for your baby to explore, grow, and develop essential skills. By providing regular tummy time from an early age, you’re setting the stage for your baby to reach important developmental milestones with confidence and ease. So, embrace the adventure, enjoy the bonding moments, and celebrate every little victory along the way!